Top 5 Wednesday: Time Travel

Top 5 Wednesday

This blogging prompt is hosted by the Goodreads Top 5 Wednesday group

Today’s T5W prompt is Time Travel!

There is always something fun about a story that can take you back in time OR fast forward to a maybe not-so-distant future! For today’s prompt, let’s feature some favorite titles that involve time travel.

time machine

1. The Time Machine by HG Wells

This is considered by many to have popularized the idea of time travel through a sort of vehicle or other device. Quite a creepy story, and short enough to read it all in a single sitting! Definitely worth the time, but be warned that it was written in 1895. It may be a bit of a more challenging read if you’re not used to that time period.

Okay, so that is pretty much the only book that I’ve read that I can think of which included Time Travel. I’m not much of a time-traveling girlie… Not quite up my alley of SciFi.

So, the next 4 are books about time travel that I want to read:


2. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

I’ve seen the first season and a half of the show that’s based off these books, and I definitely want to continue the story! If the show was so good, I can just imagine how the books will be 🙂

time traveler's wife

3. The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I don’t know much about this one except it’s what everyone always recommends as a decent SciFi. I just know the name!

a darker shade

4. A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab

I love Schwab, so this is just a given that I’d try another of hers!


5. 11/22/63 by Stephen King

I tend to have a love/hate relationship with King. I absolutely love his writing style and premise of stories… Until I get to the end. And then I absolutely hate it and wish I’d never read the damn book in the first place. But, I’m still optimistic! And perhaps a bit of a masochist…

Do you have a favorite time travel book?

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