Book Review: A Single Light

In this thrilling sequel to The Line Between, Tosca Lee continues to astound readers with her gut-wrenching plot twists, complicated romance, and amazing suspense. At the beginning of this book, our protagonist Wynter and her dreamy love interest Chase have just been sealed off from the rest of the world in Noah's nuclear bomb-shelter silo with 60 other people, Julie, Lauren, and Truly included. Still wanted for murder and potential terrorism, Wynter must continue to hide her identity even now. Maybe once the silo opens up in 6 months, she can run away with Chase and Truly and live happily ever after. But even that dream is dashed as tensions rise in the silo, and Julie is gravely injured. After the silo opens up, Chase and Wynter must traverse ghost towns, sick and desperate humans alike, and even a corrupt, mafia-like governance system in order to find the IV medications that Julie needs before time runs out. Can she survive--not only physically intact, but mentally?

Book Review: The Line Between

The Line Between depicts a 24-year-old Wynter Roth attempting to live life after she has been cast out of her religious cult, New Earth. The novel oscillates between the present where Wynter is staying with her mother's best friend Julie, and the past where we get to glimpse parts of her life within the walls of New Earth. As the past finally catches up to the present, Wynter's life suddenly takes a nosedive as an outbreak of contagious early-onset dementia floods the world. Wynter must battle both the contagion as well as her paranoia--as inside her head, Magnus' voice preaches his Testament and condemns the pleasures of the outside world--if she is to survive and bring an end to the pandemic. 

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