The Spring Cleaning Book Tag

This tag was created by Amanda from Between the Shelves (see the pic she created below) while hosting part of Bookending Spring in 2019, and I was tagged by Alex from Mybookworld24. I absolutely love book tags, especially those on theme, and I’ve been spring cleaning my apartment this last week to get ready to move across the country in a month, so… this is perfect! Let’s get into it 🙂

Tag rules:

  • Link back to the original post
  • Tag as many friends as you want
  • Have fun!


1. Getting started: A book series you’ve been wanting to read

The Empyrean Series by Rebecca Yarros. I just got Fourth Wing a few weeks ago, thanks to the influences of TikTok. One of my best friends has already read it and keeps begging me to join her. Plus, my brother has read the first book and is on the second, and can attest that it’s good! I mean, it’s got dragons, so how could I not like it?

2. Cleaning/organizing the closet: The best way to organize books

I have a very specific way of organizing my books.

  • First and foremost, series all have to go together in order
  • Then, the same author has to be next to each other
  • Same genre also must be together
  • Lastly, taller books have to go on the ends, while shorter books are in the middle

It definitely takes some finagling (and perhaps buying of different editions) to ensure everything matches exactly as my brain needs it. If part of a series is in paperback, the entire series must be paperback. The absolute WORST is when an author/publisher changes the size/style of a book in the middle of a series. Drives me crazy.

3. Getting rid of unnecessary things: Book/series you no longer need

Ugh, Ima have to say Harry Potter for this one. I loved the story, but after everything with the author, and how she keeps digging even further into her hole… I just can’t do it. It makes me sad to see it on my bookshelf now.

4. Get some air: Your favorite light-hearted read

The Inconvenient God by Francesca Forrest is super quick and pretty cute. It’s the first in the Tales of the Polity series, and it is nice and easy to read! Just a bit about a god that needs to be retired, with some fun along the way. See my 4-star review here!

5. Clean out the kitchen cupboards: Favorite food-themed read

A while back, I read Sugar by Kimberly Stuart. Not only does it have you craving delicious gourmet meals, but also a nice hunk of a man 😉 Authentic romance, entertaining characters, and a cute plot. If you’re interested, see my 5-star review here!

6. Dust the shelves: What’s the fifth book on your bookshelf?

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I saw the new (2019) movie with Emma Watson and Florence Pugh, and it was amazing. This classic has always been on my list, but after the movie, I really want to read this. …And yet, it’s still on my TBR… Whoops! One day I’ll get to it 😉 

7. Wishing for the end: A 2024 release you’re really excited about

Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson will be released December 6th, 2024, and will be the 5th book in The Stormlight Archive series! I fell in love with BrandoSando after he took over Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time series. Since then, I have read almost EVERYTHING by him, excepting the graphic novels and YA stuff. The Stormlight Archive is currently scratching the permanent itch WoT left, so you know I’m super excited for its continuation!

8. Long but satisfying: The longest book series you’ve read

Of course, y’all know what this one is for me… The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan! The BEST series I’ve ever read. I’ve got a WoT tattoo, for goodness’ sake.

I am tagging:

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