Book Review: Blue Fire


  • Title: Blue Fire
  • Author: Ashleigh McCaulley
  • Series: #1 (Cold Steel, #2 in series, coming soon)
  • Genre: Romance
  • Publishing Date: June 11th, 2021
  • Publishing Co.: Global Publishing Group, LLC
  • Length: 292 pages
  • Format: Paperback, Kindle
  • Acquired: Given free print copy in exchange for an honest review
  • Amazon Link: Blue Fire

Julianna has this glow about her, an iridescence in her blue eyes that shimmers, as if the ocean caught fire. Blue fire. Elijah cannot look away and finds himself drawn to her with an uncontrollable, and unreciprocated longing. He tries to forget her, but as if the universe is playing a cruel trick on him, Elijah keeps running into the love of his life. The only problem is, she belongs to someone else. As their paths become more and more intertwined, Elijah must fight to control his obsession, walking a fine line between stalker and friend. Fantasies morph into nightmares when Elijah realizes that the only thing more painful than simultaneously burning and drowning in blue fire is to extinguish the flame.

Final Judgment: 3 Stars out of 5

Honestly, I have absolutely no idea how to feel about this book. So, this will be a short review.

There’s a bit of a love triangle going on, not to mention obsession and secrets. Lots of tension. Normally, I love suspenseful romance stories, and the more thrilling the better, but this was just… weird. The guy that I feel like we were supposed to be rooting for is actually a creep. And I mean that for real. He gives extreme rape-y vibes, and I felt icky any time I read his POV. He’s obsessive and feels like he deserves the girl. As an SA survivor, I abhor this. And I cannot abide by him being the (sort of) love interest.

But that aside, the story itself was a ride–in a good way. I never knew what was going to happen, and the typical Hallmark romance tropes were absent. So it definitely keeps you on your toes! And that ending. Whew. I don’t even know what to do with myself now. I loved the suspense and unpredictability.

Overall, not your typical romance story.

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